WATCH: Remote Sport Science Support
Last week was a busy one for the Boxing Science team, with boxers visiting us from opposite ends of the country. Two groups of amateur and professional boxers accumulated a total of 850 miles of travelling to test, train and learn with us.
Check out the video above for an insight to what we get up to at Sheffield Hallam University.
MGM Scotland
Accompanied by their S&C coach and amateur boxer Shannon Lawson, MGM Scotland representatives Marc Kerr and Gary Murray spent two days with us to kick start their remote sport science support.
The team from Glasgow took part in our sport science testing battery and nutritional consultations with Lee Rickards.
Marc and Gary have signed up to our Gold Online Program, where they received world class analysis that supported their individualised strength, running and mobility programs to complete in their own time.
The boys will come back to Sheffield in 10-12 weeks to find out how effective the program has been.
Here are the details of the Gold Online Training Package
Repton Boys Club
Charlie Hickford and George Ellis, young amateurs from the famous Repton Boys Club, visited us on Saturday to take part in some strength, speed and movement assessments before joining in with Combat Conditioning.
We also set the boys up with a mobility and running program to help them prepare for the Junior National Championships.
Custom Build Your Training Package
These boys had a tailored package so they received a service that suited them!
You can do too, just contact us and we will help you build a training package that is right for you.
E-mail Danny Wilson at