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On the Combat Conditioning 10 week training programs at Sheffield Hallam Universitywe have a large focus on developing aerobic and anaerboic capacities to improve physical performance for boxing.

In the program, we primarily use the Woodway Curve for running based conditioning. ‘The Curve’ is a ‘C-shaped’ non-motorised treadmill which is powered solely by the user’s legs.

The Woodway’s rubberized slat running surface absorbs shock at the point of impact, this running surface has the ideal ‘softness’ to eliminate the harmful shock to joints and connective tissues. This requires increased activation of large muscle groups in the legs.

With no set tempo or restriction on speed, this promotes propulsive actions and maximum effort from users, resulting in improved sprinting speed.

Impact: Our boxers are getting fitter and faster with reduced likelihood of injury through repetitive high impact forces.

We perform a range of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) protocols on the curve, with working sets ranging from 4 minutes to 10 seconds.

In the video below is our main training group performing a repeated sprint session.

Click here if you want more information on our Combat Conditioning training packages, or get in touch with Danny